Project 4


  1. Description: This is a montage of six images, using multiple layer masks and filters. The girl off to the right is actually two different people, a grown woman dressed as a queen and a little girl praying, symbolizing what the little girl will be when she grows up.
  2. Process (Programs, Tools, Skills, Steps taken while designing): Photoshop: blending photos together to create a seamless, single image. Each photo added one at a time and enhanced, then masked to blend in with the others.
  3. Message: Those who are faithful will be made rulers.
  4. Audience: People who consider themselves to be generally faithful people.
  5. Top Thing Learned: Having more than three images to try and mask together is a real time consumer.
  6. Filter / Colorization used and where it was applied: Saturation was used on both pictures of the girl and on the angel Moroni in the temple. It had to be masked to only certain areas (like the girls’ hair wherever they didn’t match in color). The Angel had his golden tone tuned a little bit to match the gold of the crown.
  7. Color scheme and color names: Triad: Yellow, Blue, Red
  8. Title Font Name & Category: Goudy Medieval: Decorative
  9. Copy Font Name & Category: Raleway: Sans Serif
  10. Thumbnails of Images used:




Sources (Links to images on original websites / with title of site):

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints

The Location Guide

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints

Deviant Art

Clip Art Best

2 thoughts on “Project 4

  1. Great Job on the composition of the Project. i really like how you blended the crown on the girls head. The color scheme really pulls the it all together.


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